1. Pride Converter
Converts different peak list files and results different search engine results files to PRIDE XML.
标签:Results processing
2. Mascot parser
From matrix science
标签:Results processing
3. OMSSA parser
MSSA Parser is a Java based parser for OMSSA (Open Mass Spectrometry Search Algorithm) omx files. Initially created by Steffen Huber for Prof. Dr. Albert Sickmann under the guidance of Dr. Lennart Martens, and further developed by Harald Barsnes, including the addition of a simple, ligh...
标签:Results processing
4. Mascot datfile
Parses Mascot output
标签:Results processing
5. MassSieve
MassSieve is a free tool for parsing MS/MS search engine results. It allows you to combine the results of several searches into a single experiment and parsimoniously separate the results. Many different experiments can be loaded and the results can be compared and contrasted.
标签:Results processing